
Monday, January 5, 2009

School does a mama good

Ah, the first day back at school after a 3 week Christmas break.  Can we say bliss?  Your Majesty cheerfully got out of bed this morning to get the Princesses ready to usher out the door at 8:30am.  And what followed was amazing:

Peace.  Quiet.  Calm.

And you know what I realized?  You know those mothers who devote themselves to being stay at home moms while their children are little, with the determination to go back to work once their kids are in school?  Well, I am not one of those mothers.  I realized that I NEED this time, while the girls are in school, not to devote to an employer, but to devote to my family.  Precious hours I can spend on laundry, vacuuming, cleaning, errand running, etc. without taking that time away from my girls.  

And even though I spent these 5 hours today quite busy around the house (no soap operas and bonbons for me!), I picked up Princess #2 and #3 from preschool feeling so refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to just be a Mommy.  The laundry is caught up (mostly), the dishes are done, the floor is vacuumed.  And I get to just hang out with my girls tonight without thinking about those things.  And that makes mama very, very happy.

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