There we were, gathered around the table for dinner. My 4 princesses and me.
It had already been a day... a day from, well, hell.
Day 2 of fevers and sore tummies. Day 2 of snow and ice covering the ground. Day 2 of being cooped up.
We were ALL done.
I'd already melted down once. When I went to make dinner (waffles) and found that we were out of flour.
When it's already been a day from hell, something little like that can really set a mama off.
I was saved by a stack of waffles preserved in the freezer that I had forgotten about.
God's little nudge that it was all ok.
I salvaged myself and got us all to the table.
That's when princess #4 said in her sweet innocent baby voice, "pway! pway!" as she reached across the table for her sisters' hands.
I said a quick blessing.
And then it happened.
Princess #3 spoke up. And in her wise 3 year old voice began:
"I want to pray to Jesus..."
She stuttered around a bit as she often does when her brain gets ahead of her voice. You could almost see the wheels turning.
She began again:
"I want to pray to Jesus that on my birthday, I want Santa to bring me..."
Uh, hold on. This is not going the way I thought it was.
"I want Santa to bring me a DS, pink phone, iPad, computer, and light up toothbrush."
Just keepin' it real.
Lol, kids are so funny.