
Monday, June 14, 2010

All Is Well

The rain is coming down today and I am loving it.  The living room windows are open and the cool breeze blowing in is refreshing.  It is a rare 68 degrees.  Unheard of here in mid June.  Sitting out on my patio, the rhythmic plop plop of the raindrops as they hit puddles and lawn furniture is soothing.  Predictable.  Calm.

I'm still in my pajamas.  I don't even have my contacts in yet.  There are dishes still sitting in the sink.  And a pile of laundry waiting to be folded.  But I have a fresh pot of coffee brewing, the princesses occupied, and a few moments to myself.

Today didn't start out so peaceful.  More aptly described by the occasional rumble of thunder, rather than the gentle falling rain.  Poop in the panties.  A green snotty nose and subsequently crabby baby.  Arguments over who gets to play on mommy's iPhone first.  Lost ballet slippers 15 minutes before class.

I love how a moment can take you by surprise and completely turn your day around.  Even something as simple as sitting out on the patio during a summer shower.  I can see red tomatoes peeking out from under green leaves, waiting to be plucked.  Our grass is vibrant green, soaking up the rain with enthusiasm.  And even though this rain is going to be a pain to drive in later, that's ok.  All may not be perfect, but all is well. And that's better than perfect anyway.


  1. Oh, how I wish I had a porch and rain....I have neither. I have a patio and a hot back yard as we are hitting the 90's today. I long for some rain... Hope the peace continues just a bit longer.

    Great writing. I just became your new follower.

    HRH Mommy (via MBC)

  2. First time here with you, I have four boys but raised in a family of four girls. You are so blessed that is what I have to say! I love my boys and it certainly is different than the dynamics I was raised in ( a bit more estrogen not so much testosterone) but truly, I love it it and I LOVE my sis's sooooo much. They are so blessed to have one another.

  3. Checking out your blog for the first time! 4 girls!!! Wow!!! Can't wait to read more about them!

  4. What a great calming post! I love the rain! especially summer showers! I love when it pours and the sun is still shining. We had that the other day. Come and visit me right now, because I have my first giveaway going on and I am very excited to share it with my readers. I was able to get one of the books I absolutely love and think every home should have. Have a great night!

    Mama Hen

  5. Sounds like you are having some great weather! Thanks for visiting my blog! Yours is precious with those fabulously cute girls! YAY! Come back and visit my bloggy anytime!


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